How to Lose 10 Stone Effectively ? - Kelley's Success Story

Kelley Robinson, 28, put on eight stone - weighing 21st at a size 26 - after giving birth to her son Kylo. She began to feel her knees buckling under the pressure of her enormous frame and even started taking diet pills.  But she found that combined with working out, she could actually control her calorie intake much more effectively with the microwave meals. She now weighs a healthy 11st for her 5ft7 frame and is a comfy dress size 12,. She lost total 10 stone effctively in just 11 months.

Her chest and cup size also slimmed down - from a 44F to a more proportionate 36E. Kelley said: ''The ready meals made it so easy for me to keep track of exactly what I was consuming calorie wise.

"They were quick and easy too. It may not sound healthy but I chose Keto Diet and it really helped me get started on my weight loss journey.I had previously tried every diet including Slimming World, Weight Watchers, low carb and high-fat, but nothing seemed to work until i stumbled across Keto Diet" ( Discover more about her Keto plan ). 

Kelley was a size 14 before having Kylo, now three, but after he was born she developed unhealthy eating habits. By Keto, She typically had white toast for breakfast, followed by sandwich and crisps for lunch, a takeaway for dinner, while snacking on more crisps, fizzy drinks and chocolate.

Her favourites were Morrison’s Chicken Tikka Masala, Beef Hot Pots or Macaroni, and she started eating Weetabix and fruit for breakfast, with wraps for lunch. The new mum stopped snacking between meals and started swapping sweet drinks for water. In the first three months of her new regime she lost a whopping three stone.

Kelley said: "It was after that when I got really strict with myself because I realised that I actually I could do it. I cut out carbs, dairy and even quit the ready meals eventually. Thanks for Keto. One thing I know is that I couldn't have done it without the support of my amazing family, especially Ryan, who loved me whatever size I was but always wanted the best for me."






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